Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Leaving Egypt (Poem)

I'm posting this as part of One Shot Wednesday, a communal writing event sponsored by One Stop Poetry.

Feedback welcome.

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Leaving Egypt

couldn’t have been easy. Walking away from
tangible gods, elaborate bodies. No more
spooning with the throne or imposing your thirst
on the Nile’s fertility. Just wind and wilderness
between desire and your next meal. Just
the breath of your mother’s God calling
from the reeds. Now from the shepherd’s well.
Now from the backside of Sinai’s emptiness.

But would you have known this side of loss,
this side of anxiety if God hadn’t drawn you
from Egypt’s bed? Read your name between
the lines of Israel’s pleas and snared you
on the sun? Caught your eye, pupil wide, and
wound it tight around the quarters of the wind?


  1. .

    I find the first stanza and the last half of the seconds stanza strong. The segue though may need work.....

  2. for me this speaks of all our lives and the things we go through and how they are needed...like the quarters of the wind as well..

  3. Excellent piece, Tyler. I've popped over from Terresa's blog. Nice to "meet" you.
