Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Me and My Episotomy...

...searches, that is.

Ever since I posted Kim Johnson's "Ode on My Episiotomy,", Google's been directing a lot of episiotomy ponderers my way. I've submitted my top five episiotomy searches to Brillig's inaugural Googlie Awards. Come vote for me, if you feel so inclined (I'm numbers 13-17)...or for someone else, if you absolutely must.

But mostly, just vote for me.

Here are the search parameters from my stat keeper, just in case you're wondering:

1. How long do epystomy stitches hurt? (Me: Um, let me get my wife while you spellcheck your search.)

2. Unhappy with episiotomy (Me: Who isn’t?)

3. What if episiotomy stitches unravel? (Me: Well, they couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again, so who knows.)

3. Episiotomy stinging after 3 weeks (Me: Sounds like a personal problem.)

4. Sewing after episiotomy (Me: Wouldn’t recommend it.)


  1. Your entries were great! Clearly I need to post some more interesting stuff; all my searches were yawnworthy.

  2. And these are just from one small post on a poem. I guess that's something else to be said for being a poet-blogger...

  3. Tyler, I loved your list of searches. I've given birth four times, and not once has anyone found my blog through the word "episiotomy." How many times, exactly, have YOU given birth?

    (Of course, now that all of your searches are listed on my blog, I'm bound to get a few...)

    Thanks for playing along, and for sending people my direction even though the frickin' brackin' poll widget isn't frickin' brackin' working. I have received a LOT of emails, though, so at least some people are voting. Next month will be better, I promise. Surely you'll have a few more episiotomy searches by then. ;-)

  4. "How many times, exactly, have YOU given birth?"

    Ironic, isn't it? Though hopefully I can help you out some there now. ;)
