Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My First Dance with Salome

Salome* Magazine, an online periodical, has published one of my poems today.

I stumbled upon the magazine somehow a couple of years ago and was intrigued by the way they've used the character of Salome from the New Testament story of Herodias and the death of John the Baptist (where, however, her name is not specifically mentioned, although she is named elsewhere, as explained in the Wikipedia entry I've linked to) as a means to explore "modern myths about beauty, love, sex, marriage, pregnancy, domesticity, and careers." I forgot about the publication until recently when I was looking for a place to submit "At First", a poem inspired by my aunt's confrontation with breast cancer and the stigma I imagine to be associated with a mastectomy.

Click here to read what the founder has to say about why she created the magazine. While you're there, you might also peruse the other essays, stories, and poems they've got housed in the archives. Interesting stuff.

*Pronounced Sal-oh-may

1 comment:

  1. .

    Congratulations! Always a joy to see something in print.
